Thursday, May 1, 2014


     Endangered species and human influence on animals -is the topic, which became really interesting to me lately. After reading a lot of articles and books about endangered species, I decided to look at different ways how humans can help animals to adapt to urban environment. 

    Nowadays there are different ways, how people trying to help animals to adapt in unusual environment for animals, such as cities. One and most popular way is to crate buildings with green roofs and walls. Green roofs became really popular in Europe, especially in countries like Germany and UK. Green roofs is a great tool to recreate natural environment for small animals like birds and different kinds of insects. A British study of London rooftops found a large collection of spiders, beetles, wasps, ant and bees, 10% of which were designated as rare by the UK agency Natural England.

    I think that integration of green roofs in our design is really powerful tool, which we can use in order to help animals to adapt to urban environment. In my design project I had an ability and desire to integrate Green roofs and walls into my design. Library, which I was designing, is located in China town, NYC. This is really polluted and busy place, which has a lack of gardens and parks. Green roofs in my design could help birds and insects to find new home, which would be similar to natural environment. 

    Green walls are located inside huge opening which is right in the middle of the building. this opening runs from the basement to the top roof. Trees would grow from the basement and smaller plats would be located on the green walls, which becomes green roof at the top. Because of open roof the garden doesn't require extra watering. Plants can be watered by rain showers, like in natural environment. 

    Moreover the glass panels around the garden helps natural sun light to go through building walls and supply enough light for plants and habitats. 

I think that it is really important to think about animals and how we can help them to adapt in our environment. I managed to create new home for animals, who live in the city, in my project.  I am really happy that today people start to think about animals more and trying to find the way to help them to adapt in our environment.